Dr. Carl Fagerstrom writes: “No smoking… less harmful”

Together - The Swedish experience in using alternative nicotine products to combat the dangers of traditional smoking revealed a strange paradox. Although the Swedes consume nicotine at the same rates as the rest of the European countries, the Swedes have become significantly less susceptible to health problems associated with tobacco. It's not a coincidence I have partnered with international public health experts to produce a study or report titled 'No Smoking… Less Harmful,' which explains that the way tobacco or nicotine is consumed is the basis for exposure to the risks of smoking or not, not the consumption of nicotine itself. In short, smoking traditional cigarettes leads to many health problems, but using chewing tobacco or nicotine pouches does not have the same effect. After many scientific studies and research that confirmed the benefits of alternative tobacco and nicotine products, Sweden began to rely on these products as less dangerous alternatives to nicotine consumption, which led to much better health outcomes. The death rate from tobacco among Swedish men became 38% lower than the European average, and the incidence of lung cancer decreased by about 41%. This is despite the fact that the rate of nicotine consumption may be equal among EU countries, including Sweden. One in four people consume nicotine in Sweden, which is almost the same rate as in neighboring countries. 'We haven't avoided nicotine,' the Swedes say, 'we've simply become dependent on safer forms.' The historical narrative that 'nicotine is the enemy' was proven wrong. We discovered that this was a big mistake, and we were able to change the public's perception and the rules for nicotine use in Sweden, which improved public health and reduced the health risks to society and smokers, without the need to impose a total ban on nicotine, which had long been a socially acceptable habit. Nicotine, like caffeine, has long been a familiar companion to many, a stimulant for some and an outlet for others. But our approach shows that w e need to focus on how we use nicotine. By offering and regulating safer alternatives, we can address health issues without stopping nicotine use. Smokers who want to quit should be helped. The revision of the findings on nicotine has changed the world's perceptions and beliefs. The popular belief that nicotine is a major cause of cancer has been scientifically proven wrong, and everyone knows that nicotine gum and patches do not cause cancer. Why should tobacco-free nicotine pouches or chewing tobacco be any different? But if we fail to differentiate between the products and provide accurate information, we risk the lives of those who need help dealing with the dangers of traditional cigarettes. As the world continues to struggle against smoking, Sweden is offering a model that cleans the air in a scientific and practical way at the same time. The report, 'No Smoke, Less Harmful,' is a call for the world to rethink its war on nicotine. A shift in favor of tobacco harm reduction that could save millions o f lives. It is a call for policymakers, practitioners and society as a whole to stop demonizing nicotine and recognize that the real enemy is smoke, not nicotine. Written by: Dr. Carl Fagerstrom, Associate Professor and Tobacco and Nicotine Researcher. Source: Maan News Agency