Honorable and Acknowledged Qatari Stances Supporting Arab Solidarity and Causes

Doha: The State of Qatar has always been concerned with supporting joint Arab action in all domains, be it political, economic, developmental, social, cultural, or humanitarian. Powered by its wise leaderships firm belief in Arab cooperation and joint action as the sole driver of sustainable economic development and prosperity for the people of the Arab world, as well as the means through which Arab states can defend their sovereignty, independence, interests, identity, and causes in all regional and international forums. The participation of HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani in both regular and emergency sessions of the Arab Leagues meetings, conferences, and summits, reflect the eagerness of the State of Qatar, its leadership, its government, and its people on joint Arab action to fulfill the Arab peoples aspirations for stability, development, prosperity, security, and peace. According to observer and Arab citizen alike, the participation of HH the Amir in Arab summits undoubtedly adds signifi cant momentum through the meetings and discussions of His Highness with Arab leaders on all sort of Arab concerns and issues, protecting Arab achievements and national security, especially in light of the worlds sharp polarization, blocs, wars, conflicts, rapid changes, and highly sensitive regional circumstances. HH the Amir has consistently raised Arab causes and highlighted their bright nature characterized by peace, justice, and tolerance, in all Arab summits, United Nations sessions, Shura Council opening sessions, and during his Arab tours and meetings with his Arab counterparts. His Highness always calls on parties to crises to focus on common interests, resolving issues and disputes through dialogue and political means. HH the Amir also always calls for protecting national sovereignty, stability, and territorial integrity. The Palestinian peoples just cause has always been and continues to be strongly present in all speeches made by His Highness, constantly emphasizing their right to establish an in dependent state in their national homeland with East Jerusalem as their capital, ending all injustices that befell them. Moreover, His Highness always stresses that the Palestinian people cannot continue to be prisoners to the Israeli occupations arbitrariness and settlement schemes, with successive Israeli governments rejecting any political solution nor submitting to the principles of international legitimacy. Thus, this central cause is at the forefront of Qatar's political concerns and its international mobilization priorities and is deeply engraved in the hearts of the Qatari people. Furthermore, the country supports the Palestinian cause at all times and in all forums, utilizing all means and resources for its sake. Qatar's rejection of the Israeli aggression on Gaza and the resulting widespread destruction, devastation, and casualties, as well as Qatars role as a trustworthy and impartial mediator, are clear indications that this just cause will always remain a priority, as Qatar sees the rights of t he Palestinian people as inalienable rights backed by all international and humanitarian laws, principles, and values. As the 33rd regular Arab League Summit to be held in the Kingdom of Bahrain on May 16 approaches, the State of Qatar remains steadfast with regards to the Arab nations issues and causes and will spare no effort in supporting the summit's proceedings and recommendations, in service of the Arab nations interests and enhancing its solidarity and joint action, for the sake of its peoples free and dignified life. Speaking to Qatar News Agency , HE Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors of the Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue Dr. Aisha bint Yousuf Al Mannai said that Qatar, guided by its wise leadership, stands by and supports Arab issues and causes, with the Palestinian cause being at the epicenter, adding that the country does so out of conviction, its sense of Arab and religious fraternity and humanitarianism, as enshrined by its policies and permanent constitution. Former Shur a Council and Arab Parliament member Dr. Al Mannai said that the regional and international tours, as well as the meetings with Arab counterparts underwent by HH the Amir, always revolve around the Arab nation's issues and causes, and promoting the Arab world in a positive light. Moreover, she noted Qatar's significant and commendable role regarding the events in the Gaza Strip and the suffering of Palestinian families, adding in this context that the 15th Doha Conference on Interfaith Dialogue dedicated special sessions to highlight the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza as a result of the displacement, killing, and destruction cause by the Israeli war on Gaza. Her Excellency added that given its wise leadership, the State of Qatar is a peace-loving country that strives for the well-being humanity altogether, promoting Arab solidarity and always seeking security, peace, and stability of its Arab sisterly countries and the world as a whole. Among Qatar's positive efforts towards Arab reconciliation are its brokering peace in Darfur, Sudan, in addition to acting as a mediator between the conflicting Lebanese and Palestinian factions respectively, as well as sponsoring a comprehensive reconciliation in Libya and other initiatives that aims to serve common interests and address challenges. These positions have been widely welcomed and praised at the level of the Arab world and beyond, and have become a matter of pride and pride. It confirms the continued keenness of Qatar, as Amir, government and people, to strengthen joint Arab action and serve its desired goals, and that it will spare no effort in seeking to enhance Arab cooperation in all fields, in order to achieve the aspirations of the Arab peoples for prosperity and stability, and to activate joint Arab action, as an embodiment of what It is included in its permanent constitution and the established and stable principles of Qatari foreign policy, the main focus of which is to contribute strongly effectively to various efforts on the Arab scene to achieve th e goals and aspirations on which joint Arab action is based, and to strengthen its foundations and pillars in an effective and fruitful manner. The fact that Qatar hosted three Arab summits in 2009, including an ordinary and an emergency summit is proof of its support for joint Arab action. Qatari political analyst Dr. Abdullah Al Khater emphasized the State of Qatar's honorable stances towards the Arab nation and its causes in all regional and international forums, adding that the efforts of Qatar and its wise leadership towards their Arab brethren in the form of solidarity, support, and problem-solving, regardless of their nature and scale, is a source of pride for every Arab and Muslim. Dr. Al Khater told QNA that Qatar's fraternal stances towards its Arab brethren are deeply rooted and emanate from its strong conviction in the justice of their causes, foremost among them the Palestinian cause, to which HH the Amir devotes a vast amount of time, thought, and energy, making the cause for Palestine part a nd parcel of His Highness's every speech, calling for justice for the Palestinian people, the establishment of their independent state based on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital. He pointed out that Qatar's words and deeds speak volumes for its stances and strong global mobilization efforts in support of Arab solidarity and unity, constantly offering a helping hand to uphold Arab states' economies, stability, and independence. The Qatari political analyst continued by saying that Qatar and its wise leadership feel entrusted with Arab and Islamic causes, sparing no effort to defend them and remain ever-present in addressing all Arab issues and taking part in joint regional and international efforts. In turn, peace and goodwill ambassador, Arab-European center of human rights in Qatar representative Shaikha Ghanim Al Kubaisi said that Qatar's supportive stances towards the Arab nation and efforts to enhance Arab solidarity and advocate for Arab interests are well-known to all, for which Qat ar receives the Arab and Islamic worlds' praise. Al Kubaisi told QNA that Qatar and its wise leadership never hesitate to respond to the calls of the Arab and Islamic worlds and strive for the excellence of their peoples, a national role that will forever be a constant. It is secret to no one that Qatar is a bastion of joint Arab humanitarian action, as the state and all of its various humanitarian and developmental organizations and funds are always at the forefront during crises and disasters that befall the brotherly Arab peoples and their countries, for which Qatar offers relief, development assistance, and mediation efforts in search of solutions. Stemming from Qatar's dedication to the Arab nation, its well-being, and its excellence, the State of Qatar chose to hold the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 under the banner of the entire Arab world, resonated in the speech of HH the Amir at the world cup opening where he said, "From Qatar, from an Arab country, I welcome everyone to the World Cup 2022." Thus, a t all stages and turning points in the Arab world, Qatar has played a remarkable and renowned role in strengthening Arab solidarity and bias towards people's issues, and extending a helping hand whenever the need arises in any Arab country. Source: Qatar News Agency