16th Ambassadors Forum Continues for Second Day with Ministers and Officials

The 16th Forum of UAE Ambassadors and Representatives of Missions resumed for the second day on 22 March in the capital Abu Dhabi. The second day featured numerous sessions in various sectors, beginning with a speech by His Excellency Khalifa Shaheen Al Marar, Minister of State, on developments in the Middle East region, during which he noted the distinguished position that the UAE’s foreign policy occupies in championing ten principles for the next fifty years.

His Excellency touched upon the strategic direction of the country's foreign policy at the regional and international levels, which is based on building bridges of communication with all countries and the adoption of diplomacy and political solutions to resolve crises and tensions in the region.

His Excellency referred to the notable success of Expo 2020 Dubai as a platform for countries and UAE leaders to meet with officials representing participating countries to strengthen relations. Expo 2020 Dubai was also an opportunity to shed light on the success story of the UAE in various fields.

With regards to regional developments, His Excellency addressed the attacks on the UAE on January 17, 2022, by the terrorist Houthi militias. Furthermore, he praised the efforts of the UAE Government through diplomacy and the mobilization of political support and international solidarity in the face of the Houthi terrorist attacks, as well as the brave efforts of the armed forces to defend the UAE’s security and safety while demonstrating readiness in confronting and addressing these attacks.

Moreover, His Excellency commended the UN Security Council’s adoption of a resolution renewing the sanctions regime on Yemen, designating the Houthi militias as a “terrorist group” for the first time, including them in Yemen’s sanctions list, imposing an arms embargo, and condemning the cross-border attacks launched by the terrorist Houthi militias against civilians and civilian infrastructure in the UAE and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. His Excellency also praised the unanimous decision by the Arab League Council, which called for all countries classify the Houthi militias as a terrorist organization.

Moreover, a dialogue session was held by Major General Dr. Ahmed Nasser Al Raisi, Inspector General of the Ministry of Interior and President of Interpol. Another session titled "The Future of Economic Diplomacy for the UAE" was held by His Excellency Dr. Abdul Nasser Al Shaali, Assistant Minister for Economic and Trade Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

The second day of the forum also included a speech by His Excellency Maqsoud Adel Kruse, Chairman of the National Human Rights Institution. During his session, Kruse focused on the UAE’s aspirations in the human rights file. Another session followed by His Excellency Saeed Al-Attar, Head of the Government Media Office, entitled "Soft Power and International Communication."

Ambassadors and heads of missions abroad then participated in a session on MoFAIC’s service sector with His Excellency Abdullah Mohammed Al Bulooki, Assistant Undersecretary for Support Services Affairs, during which he reviewed the latest developments in the support services sector at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

The second day of the forum concluded with a session by His Excellency Faisal Issa Lutfi, Assistant Undersecretary for Consular Affairs, during which he reviewed the latest developments in consular services provided by the Ministry to clients in the country and abroad, as well as future plans in the consular sector.

Source: UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs