Security Council meeting regarding mass graves in Gaza

New York – Together – The UN Security Council is scheduled to hold a closed meeting this week regarding mass graves in the Gaza Strip, at the request of the Republic of Algeria.

The person who will brief the members on the topic of the meeting, which…

Sadiq Khan Wins Third Term as Mayor of London

London, Labor party’s candidate Sadiq Khan has won a third successive term as mayor of London, helping to cement the Labor Party’s commanding lead over the governing Conservatives in local elections ahead of Britain’s national vote later this year.


Brazil’s Flood Death Toll Soars to 56

Brasilia: The death toll of Brazil’s Rio Grande do Sul State’s floods and landslides soared to 56 people, with 67 others still missing.

Caused by an onslaught of heavy rains, the natural disasters destroyed roads and bridges in various cities in the …