Ukrainian Air Defenses Down 3 Russian Drones

Kyiv, Ukrainian Air Force announced Tuesday that it shot down three Russian drones targeting various areas in the country.

Russia launched an air attack Monday night using three drones, which Ukrainian air defense units were able to shoot down in the…

The occupation arrests 22 citizens from the West Bank

Ramallah – Ma’an – Since yesterday evening, until Tuesday morning, the Israeli occupation forces arrested at least 22 citizens from the West Bank, including citizen Ola Dalaysha, the wife of prisoner Maher Dalaysha from the Jalazoun camp, in addition …

Argentine Cabinet Chief Resigns

Buenos Aires, Argentine President Javier Milei accepted Monday the resignation of cabinet chief Nicolas Posse.

Current Interior Minister Guillermo Francos will succeed Posse, the Argentine presidential office said in a statement.

The resignation of …