33rd Arab Summit/ Palestine President Underlines Need for Immediate Cassation of Assault on Gaza

President of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas stressed the extreme importance of immediately stopping the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, increasing humanitarian access to civilians, and preventing the displacement of residents from Gaza or the West Bank. Addressing the 33rd Arab Summit in Bahrain today, Abbas said that over the course around seven months, around 120 thousand Palestinians, the majority of whom are women and children, martyred and wounded, with American cover and support that challenges international legitimacy and violates norms and ethics, while the occupying state's military and settlers continue their attacks on the Palestinian people, their land, and their religious sanctities in the West Bank, including Jerusalem. President Abbas called for the immediate start of implementing the two-state solution based on international legitimacy, with the State of Palestine obtaining full membership in the United Nations, being recognized by countries that have not yet recognized it, and going to negot iations to end the occupation of the land of the State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital, along the 1967 lines. He renewed his position of absolute rejection of targeting civilians, stressing that it has become urgent to activate the Arab safety network to strengthen the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and to enable its government to carry out its duties. The Palestinian President also stressed the need to demand that the United States to pressure the occupying state to release the withheld Palestinian funds, and that it itself stop using its veto against the Palestinian people, adhere to international law, and stop pursuing the double standards policy. Source: Qatar News Agency