A large delegation of men and leaders of the clans of Hebron Governorate inspects the readiness of the Ezdihar Palestine Feed Factory

HEBRON - Ma'an - A large delegation of dignitaries and leaders of the Hebron governorate paid an inspection visit to the Ezdihar Palestine Feed Factory on Monday. The delegation was received by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ezdihar Palestine Company, a number of board members, shareholders, the administrative staff, the head of the Palestinian Businessmen Forum, and members of the Hebron Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The large crowd praised this great national edifice, the first of its kind and size in Palestine, where the attendees listened to a detailed explanation of the factory's capabilities, production and storage capacities, and their diversity for all types of livestock and poultry. The factory's storage capacity increases to 100,000 tons of grain, which is a national pillar that achieves food security for the governorate in the most difficult economic and political conditions. It is also worth noting that the factory's production capacity is 80 tons per hour. The assembly praised t he businessmen in Palestine who were able to carry out their national and struggle duty during these difficult circumstances, especially during the brutal war on our homeland and people, by continuing their work and completing the construction of this giant project, the cost of which reached more than 35 million dollars, defying all the problems and the size of the challenges. However, with the insistence of this group of businessmen and people of high and national ambitions on the success of the project and launching it, and preserving local capital in investment within the country. Source: Maan News Agency