A thief carrying a crutch was arrested while robbing houses in Ramallah

Ramallah - Ma'an - The police arrested today a thief who was known for carrying a crutch while robbing homes in Ramallah, after his photos and crimes were spread on social media. After intensive follow-up by the police, he was caught red-handed stealing. Colonel Louay Erziqat, the police spokesman, said that a number of citizens filed a complaint with the General Investigations Department about a person who robbed their homes in several neighborhoods in the city of Ramallah. He was known in the city for using a crutch while carrying out the thefts, and he caused a state of panic among citizens after he carried out 19 thefts on homes. By following up and analyzing the camera images, the fraudulent thief was spotted, who was using the crutch as a means to pretend that he was disabled. Based on a report from his citizen, the city center patrols were mobilized and he was arrested red-handed while stealing from a house, carrying his crutch. He was detained in order to complete the necessary legal procedures aga inst him and refer him to the Public Prosecution. Source: Maan News Agency