AgileBits Tests New Way to Log in to ‘1Password’

AgileBits, the developer of 1Password, has begun testing a way to access the app without its namesake password, adding an option to use newer passkey technology instead. The change, which uses a quick biometric check to unlock and use your password vault, could help improve the widely used password manager's security.

But now 1Password has begun a private test that'll let participants unlock their password vaults with a passkey instead.

The test works on iPhones, Macs and web browsers, but it's a private beta and testers will have to set up a new account to try it.

By default, 1Password's phone apps require you to retype your password every two weeks. But with a lower-hassle passkey authentication, you might be more inclined to keep your vaults locked, reducing risks from stolen devices.

"Unlocking 1Password with a passkey offers the best of both worlds: best-in-class security paired with maximum convenience," AgileBits said in a post.

The software's primary job is to create, store, sync and autofill passwords for all the apps and websites you use. Until now, its password storage vaults have been protected by its own password (in combination with a secret key the first time you used 1Password on a new device).

Source: Qatar News Agency