Al-Dameer: ??The occupation bombed 126 shelters since the beginning of the aggression

Gaza - Ma'an - The Dameer Foundation for Human Rights - Gaza said that the occupation forces have bombed 126 shelters since the beginning of the aggression, and about (851) civilians were martyred, most of them women and children. 'These targeting of shelters comes within the framework of the war of genocide against the defenseless civilian population in the Gaza Strip,' it added in a statement. 'It is noteworthy that the occupation authorities deliberately bomb the civil defense personnel of the shelters where they are located, most of whom are volunteers to organize the distribution of aid and assistance to the displaced, and they do not have any security status. The occupation authorities deliberately bomb the shelters (schools) with large bombs in a clear and blatant challenge to the basic principles of international humanitarian law, which are the distinction between civilians and combatants, the prohibition of attacking those hors de combat (i.e. those who do not directly participate in hostilities), t he prohibition of causing unnecessary suffering, the principle of military necessity for the use of excessive military force, and the principle of proportionality between the damage and the result achieved from the use of excessive force.' Al-Dameer Human Rights Foundation confirmed that targeting shelters is a systematic policy that reflects an official government policy and instructions from the political level. It is considered a war crime according to the Rome Statute establishing the International Criminal Court. Accordingly, Al-Dameer Foundation calls on the international community to assume its responsibilities to stop the crime of genocide, impose a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, and ensure Israel's compliance with the rules of international law and the decisions of the International Court of Justice that imposed temporary measures to prevent the commission of the crime of genocide. She pointed out that the Israeli occupation authorities continue to commit the crime of genocide and are working to infl ict the largest number of unarmed civilian victims and are committing mass murders in shelters by bombing these centers (government schools and those affiliated with UNRWA) that house hundreds of displaced men and women. Source: Maan News Agency