AL: Energy security is fundamental issue to achieve Arab economic growth and national security

Ali bin Ibrahim Al Maliki, the Assistant Secretary-General and Head of the Economic Affairs Sector at the Arab League, affirmed that energy security is a fundamental issue due to its direct impact on economic growth, national security, and the well-being of all Arab citizens. This statement was made during Maliki's speech at the 12th celebration of Arab Energy Efficiency Day, delivered on his behalf byJamila Mattar, the Director of the Energy Department at the General Secretariat of the Arab League. Al Maliki stated that in a world driven by interests and fraught with conflicts, the issue of energy security emerges as a strategic axis for national, Arab, and global security. Energy security is a fundamental issue due to its direct impact on national security, he added. Al Maliki added, "We are all aware of the challenges we face in terms of energy security and the transition to more sustainable sources. To confront these challenges, the world needs to adopt a comprehensive and integrated approach to energy security that takes into account the need to increase energy efficiency, develop renewable energy, protect vital energy infrastructure, and work to reduce harmful carbon emissions." He pointed out that energy efficiency represents one of the basic pillars of energy security. In short, it means providing energy services at the lowest cost without compromising quality, along with managing energy demand by introducing various concepts related to energy efficiency to achieve a reduction in energy consumption that does not conflict with the developmental plans of each country. He noted that the Secretariat of the Arab Ministerial Council for Electricity has been concerned with sustainable energy topics since its establishment more than 30 years ago, the Middle East News Agency (MENA), reported. The council's meetings and its committees have issued several important recommendations and decisions for Arab countries and their peoples, including the council's decision in its ninth session in 2011, decision No. 147, to hold a celebration for Arab Energy Efficiency Day on May 21 of each year. He pointed out that the council's secretariat has been monitoring the development of energy efficiency in the Arab region through the development, implementation, and monitoring of national energy efficiency plans. It has also prepared the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Guide in Arab Countries, which provides statistical information on the policies and programs adopted in Arab countries to enhance the efficiency of energy production and consumption and the use of renewable energies. Additionally, it details the institutional and legal frameworks and the necessary financial incentives that have been implemented or are planned in these fields. Source: Bahrain News Agency