Al-Raya: Qatar Intensifying Efforts to Avoid Humanitarian Catastrophe in Sudan

Doha: Al-Raya newspaper highlighted, in its editorial Saturday, Qatar's commitment to ending the ongoing conflict in Sudan and reaching a comprehensive political solution that satisfies all Sudanese, especially as the humanitarian situation has reached a critical stage. The newspaper emphasized that Qatar has stood by its Sudanese brothers and has called on them since day one to heed the voice of reason and wisdom, and to engage in a political process leading to a comprehensive solution that establishes security and stability throughout Sudan. The newspaper affirmed that Qatar has been keen to provide humanitarian support to avoid a catastrophe that would exacerbate the suffering of the Sudanese people. It noted that Qatar recently sent a plane to Port Sudan Airport carrying 34 tons of shelter supplies, provided by the Qatar Fund for Development, in support of those affected by the floods in the country. This was part of Qatars air bridge since May 2023, as part of its ongoing support for the Sudanese people and its full backing of their resilience in facing the difficult circumstances caused by the continued fighting. The editorial added that, while the world is preoccupied with wars and escalating crises in various hotspots around the globe, the Sudanese people silently suffer under the weight of accumulated humanitarian crises, exacerbated by the ongoing war that has led to the death of thousands and the displacement of millions of Sudanese, leaving them prey to famine and widespread diseases worsened by the seasonal rains. The newspaper questioned the role of the international community in addressing Sudan's suffering and intervening to stop the bloodshed and end the war, which has brought nothing but destruction. It warned that the Sudanese people are threatened either by death due to the senseless war or by diseases that are ravaging the wounded nation, which has long endured wars, natural disasters, famine, and deadly diseases. Al-Raya concluded by saying that Qatar will not rest while witnessing its Su danese brothers suffering and groaning under the weight of these multiple crises, which have turned their daily lives into a living hell. The time has come for Sudan and its people to enjoy security and stability, and for all Sudanese to actively participate in building their homeland, which has room for everyone. Source: Qatar News Agency