Arab League Calls for Prioritizing Youth Care to Promote Sustainable Development

The Arab League called for adopting the issue of youth care and development and making it the top priority of national governments, local communities, as well as regional and international bodies and institutions, making the Arab youth part of the decision-making and future building to reach more inclusive societies that are more capable of achieving sustainable development.

In a statement marking the Arab Youth Day, which falls on July 5 each year, the Arab League said it is working to integrate the youth and activate their participation in political, social, and cultural life. In addition, the Arab League is also working to achieve the youth's dreams of a more prosperous future, intrigue their creative energies, sharpen their intellectual and practical skills in various fields, consolidate the values of tolerance and openness to the other to match the accelerating civilizational development, and ensure their effective participation in advancing sustainable development in the Arab world.

The Arab League expressed its belief that the youth are the most liberated and open force, as they represent the largest segment of Arab societies and can interact, integrate, and participate in their societies' issues to achieve their aspirations for progress and prosperity. The Arab League indicated that 2023 would witness the launch of a special strategy for youth, peace, and security in line with the League's vision and approach through the Council of Arab Ministers of Youth and Sports to ensure the interaction of youth and their participation, promote their capabilities, expand the scope of their role in the process of intellectual renewal and restructure through interacting, integrating, and participating in their societies' issues to motivate them to show their best and qualify them to achieve their societies' aspirations.

The Arab League noted that this year's Arab Youth Day coincides with a significant sporting event at the Arab level, the 15th edition of the Arab Games, which is hosted by Algeria from July 5 -15.

Source: Qatar News Agency