Ashghal Develops 27 Schools

The Public Works Authority (Ashghal) has completed the improvement works of 27 schools across the country in a bid to enhance school performance and environment through modifications, expansions, additional classes, and better safety by upgrading firefighting systems.

The improvements included providing large areas, additional facilities, and multi-purpose halls, whether for study or practice of all activities that serve the educational process, and which provide a rich environment to provide the best educational practices thanks to the modern design of the building and its many educational means.

Eng. Ahmad Al Emadi, Head of Education Project Section in "Ashghal", said that as part of the state’s plan concerning the construction and improvements of schools and diverse educational buildings, "Ashghal" in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education has reconstructed 27 schools, which will help with higher number of students and better educational services. Ashghal built additional classrooms in some outnumbered schools to lessen class density.

Source: Government of Qatar