Bahrain attends conference on Beijing +30

Amman, Lulwa Ali Al Rumaihi, the Deputy Chairperson of the Services Committee, and Eman Hasan Showaiter, the Vice-Chairman of the Finance and Economic Affairs Committee, led the Council of Representatives to the Arab Parliament's Dialogue Conference on the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action thirty years after its adoption (Beijing +30). The conference was organised by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), the UN-Women Regional Office for Arab States, and the Arab League. The delegation emphasised that Bahrain, under the leadership of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, has made significant progress in promoting gender parity and empowering women in various areas such as education, health, and women's representation in government and decision-making. They highlighted the progress made in implementing the Beijing Declaration at national and regional levels, and the exchange of expertise among Arab parliaments on how to advance national legislation on wome n's causes. They also reviewed identifying priorities, visions, and recommendations to speed up its implementation in the Arab region. The conference will discuss the role of parliaments in empowering women, focusing on the Beijing Declaration, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Agenda 2030, and legislative developments in areas such as the right to a proper work environment, public life, and the protection from violence. Additionally, the conference identified leadership opportunities for women in parliament and government. The conference is part of the national and regional preparations for reviewing the implementation of Beijing +30. This aligns with UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) resolution No. 5RES/E/2022 that called on all states to conduct comprehensive national reviews and requested that ESCWA carry out regional reviews. Source: Bahrain News Agency