Cabinet Approves its Draft Decision on Establishing Technical Committee to Study Fees of Government Services

HE Sheikh Khalid bin Khalifa bin Abdulaziz Al Thani, Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, chaired the regular meeting held by the Cabinet at the Amiri Diwan yesterday morning.

During the meeting, the Cabinet considered the topics on the agenda as follows:

First - Approval of a draft law amending some provisions of Law No. (12) of 1998 on regulating the Central Municipal Council, and its referral to the Shura Council.

Second - Approval of a draft Cabinet decision on establishing a technical committee to study the fees for services provided by government entities and define its terms of reference.

The terms of reference of this committee include the following:

1- Study the proposals submitted by government entities regarding determining or amending the fees for the services they provide in the light of their respective legal basis.

2- Conduct the necessary evaluation of the fees and their suitability with the service proposed for it, and whether or not a fee should be imposed.

3- Study the effect of the required amendments on fees compared to the financial conditions of the groups targeted, and the extent to which this is affected by inflation conditions that may occur on economic activity in general.

Source: Government of Qatar