Cabinet decisions

Ramallah - Together - The Council of Ministers affirmed, on the 76th anniversary of the Nakba, that the Palestinian right does not disappear by statute of limitations, and that the occupation's attempts to displace our people in the Gaza Strip, and the attacks of the occupation and its colonizers in the West Bank, including Jerusalem, will not push our people to kneel, surrender and leave, and our people and their leadership will endure. In the face of Israeli threats, as he has persevered over the past decades.

The Council of Ministers renewed its call on our people, in all its institutions and bodies, to participate widely in the activities commemorating the Nakba.

At the beginning of the Cabinet session, today, Sunday, Prime Minister Mohamed Mustafa briefed the members of the Council on the efforts made to pressure Israel to release the seized clearing funds and stop the policy of financial extortion, while emphasizing that employees' financial rights are preserved.

At the same time, he stressed the request from various national companies, institutions and service providers to take into account the financial conditions of citizens, and the importance of joining hands to strengthen the steadfastness of our people.

On the other hand, the Minister of Health, Majed Abu Ramadan, presented his ministry's plan for the coming years to improve and localize medical services, and reform the health insurance system in a way that achieves social justice and governance of the medical referral system, as the health sector is considered one of the largest sectors of government spending, and treatments for oncology, heart disease, and newborns constitute the percentage The largest cost of medical referrals.

The Council also heard a presentation from the Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, Wael Zaqout, on the progress of the work of the Committee to Study Legal References and Governance of the New, Abolished, and Merged Ministries. The Prime Minister directed that the Committee must complete its work as soon as possible in a way that ensures the preservation of employees' rights.

The Council of Ministers took the following decisions:

- Forming a special committee to study the competencies and tasks of the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation in a manner consistent with applicable legislation.

- Renewing the contracts of Ministry of Interior employees to work on regulating traffic on Qalandia Street - Jerusalem for a period of one year, with the aim of alleviating the traffic crisis.

Representing the government in international conferences and forums is limited to the head of the government department or employees delegated by him in government departments, provided that participation in any mission does not exceed a maximum of two people for each mission.

- Initiating the localization of health services, by preparing a plan that includes developing the health service infrastructure, and organizing service purchase agreements to ensure the provision of high-quality health services to citizens.

- Assigning the Permanent Ministerial Social Committee to prepare procedures for 'medical evacuation of injured children from Gaza outside Palestine, submitted by the Ministry of Social Development.'

Source: Maan News Agency