Chairperson of GANHRI Affirms Bolstering, Protecting Human Rights Institutions

Geneva, - HE Chairperson of the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) and Chairperson of the National Human Rights Committee (NHRC) Maryam bint Abdullah Al Attiyah said that the 2023 represents a defining moment for the universal human rights with the continuation of wars, conflicts, violence and discrimination, pointing out that climate is really changing the world and life without being oblivious to the fact that pressure is mounting on human rights and the institutions that advocate for these rights posing a dangerous threat.

In remarks on the major event organized by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) on listening to different voices 2 in held in Geneva, Al Attiyah added that the event coincides with marking the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Paris Principles, adding that both are core documents for the operation of national human rights institutions (NHRIs) in all over the world.

The operation of NHRIs is fundamental as they discharge the duty of holding the states to account on their obligations in human rights field, call for justice and equality, stand with those who need protection, and constitute a bridge between people and government, HE Al Attiyah outlined.

Therefore, she said, the NHRIs enjoy a unique position to ensure listening to the voices of all communities, particularly the marginalized and vulnerable ones and effectively include them in all efforts of human rights.

Cooperation is imperative to identify the human rights based comprehensive and effective solutions, while NHRIs become more effective when they operate in lockstep with one another, HE Al Attiyah affirmed, adding that for this purpose, the global alliance offers a unique platform that help NHRIs across all territories share their knowledge, expert, and experiences to lay the foundation for robust and comprehensive communities as envisaged in UDHR.

Her Excellency added that NHRIs are the bedrock of countries which translate peace, security, human rights and sustainable development into tangible reality on the ground for all individuals, hence numerous NHRIs worldwide discharge their tasks under an overwhelming pressure posed by those who intend to restrict the fundamental rights, she underscored, indicating that NHRIs encounter various forms of violence and intimidation when they embark on carrying out their mandate to protect human rights and human rights defenders.

Al Attiyah urged the states to protect and strengthen the NHRIs through supplying them with ample technological and financial resources. She called for establishing independent NHRIs in the countries that currently lack these institutions in alignment with NHRIs indicator as stipulated by the Goal 16 of the Sustainable Development Goals to help every single person benefit from a robust, independent, and comprehensive national institution.

In conclusion, Her Excellency underscored that the work would continue in close collaboration with regional networks and UN partners, as well as civil society organizations to further back and bolster the capabilities of the members, in addition to ensuring the independent and effective operation of NHRIs to promote and protect human rights and fundamental rights on the ground.

Source: Qatar News Agency