Conscience: The international community has been unable to stop the genocide in the Gaza Strip for a year

Gaza - Ma'an - The Dameer Association for Human Rights - Gaza confirmed that the continuation of the aggression and the war of genocide for a whole year in the Gaza Strip has put the international community and the human rights system in a difficult and real test. The world and the global system had to either prove the effectiveness of the human rights system and international justice agencies or confirm that they are a formal framework that exists only to give a beautiful and unreal image of a world controlled and led by the forces of injustice and evil. The association said that the silence, failure and timid position of the United Nations, the UN Security Council, the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court regarding what the Palestinians are being subjected to, and the cowardly positions of the governments of the Western world that pretend and brag about their human rights records and redress for victims, transform the international human rights system into a racist, class-bas ed system that only rises up for the rights and freedoms of certain classes or peoples and not others. She pointed out that the US administration and Western countries (Britain, Germany and France) have sided with the occupying state since the beginning of the aggression on Gaza and provided it with weapons to commit crimes. In fact, the US administration has gone further, enacting legislation to punish the International Criminal Court, which reinforces the law of the jungle and the culture of impunity instead of standing up for justice and redressing the victims of genocide in Palestine. Addameer Foundation considered that the continuation and persistence of war crimes, genocide, crimes against humanity and aggression are the result of the impunity of the leaders of the Israeli occupation and the immunity they enjoy thanks to the US administration, which encourages them to commit crimes by an official decision from the highest levels of the Israeli military and political. The Foundation indicated that the solidarity shown by the free peoples of the world in Europe and South Africa without receiving official positions that do not rise to the level of justice and cruelty of the sacrifice made by the Palestinians works to undermine what remains of the credibility of the human rights system. She pointed out: During one year of the genocidal war on the Gaza Strip, the occupation army committed 3654 massacres, resulting in 51870 martyrs and missing persons, 41870 martyrs arrived at hospitals, including 16927 children and 11487 women, while resulting in 97166 wounded and injured, and the occupation army continues its genocidal war, targeting what remains of civilian objects, disregarding all calls from the international community to end the war on the Gaza Strip. On the occasion of the first anniversary of the genocidal war, the Dameer Foundation for Human Rights demands and appeals to the international community with all its institutions to take actual and real steps and measures that force the occupying state to stop the genocidal war on the Gaza Strip. Source: Maan News Agency