CRA Publishes Two Amended Class Licenses

The Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) published the amended versions of the "Class License for the Resale of Retail Telecommunications Services" and the "Class License to Own and/or Operate a Private Telecommunications Network". The two Class Licenses were originally issued in 2011 and were amended in 2013.

Amendments aim at updating and enhancing the Class Licenses taking into account the establishment of CRA in 2014 and amendments to the Telecommunications Law in 2017.

According to the Telecommunications Law, a license is required to resell retail telecommunications services or own and/or operate a private telecommunications network. The Licensee must comply with the terms and conditions of the appropriate license and with the Telecommunications Law and applicable regulatory framework. The amended licenses supersede all previous versions and are effective from the date of their issuance.

Source: Government of Qatar