Democracy calls for framing popular resistance and stopping coordination in response to the occupation massacres

Ramallah - Together - The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine called for stopping all forms of security coordination with the Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank, with Jerusalem at its heart, and working hard to frame comprehensive popular resistance to confront the bloody massacres committed by the occupation forces throughout the West Bank, the latest of which is In Kafr Dan and Kafr Ni'ma, where more than a dozen Palestinian citizens were martyred in 'human prey hunting parties,' after it became a hobby for enemy soldiers, in response to the insults and humiliation inflicted on them at the hands of our people and our resistance in the Gaza Strip. The Democratic Front said: It will not be convincing to anyone if the Palestinian Authority's security services continue to coordinate with the occupation forces, and at the same time, its soldiers practice a policy of mobile massacres on a daily basis, between the north and south of the West Bank, and the east and west, without the enemy rece iving an effective and minimally effective response. Stop. All forms of security coordination with him, and a complete boycott of him, to protect our people and our people. The Democratic Front stressed the necessity of developing the popular response to the enemy's incursions by working, among all components of the Palestinian situation, and at the heart of it, the Palestinian officialdom, to frame the comprehensive popular resistance in the West Bank, in a way that provides our people with the tools of resistance and steadfastness, and the political cover that would deepen the field unity of our people. And to strengthen its cohesion with its national leaders, in its legitimate defense of its land, its national dignity and its legitimate rights, and always, under the leadership of M. T. F, his sole legitimate representative. Source: Maan News Agency