Director of Department of Policy and Planning of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Meets Number of Parliamentarians and Think Tanks in Germany

HE Director of Department of Policy and Planning of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr. Khalid bin Fahad Al Khater, met today with a number of members of the National Parliament (Bundestag) in the Federal Republic of Germany, and a number of officials in German think tanks and studies, during his current visit to Germany.

Meetings with parliamentarians included the Christian Social Party MP and member of the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs Alexander Radwan, the Spokesperson for Transatlantic Relations of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group Thomas Silberhorn, Member of the Alternative for Germany and Chairman of the German-Iranian Friendship Committee Roger Beckamp, and Member of the German Social Democratic Party and Member of the Energy and Climate Committee for the Socialist Party Bengt Bergt.

During the meetings, ways to enhance cooperation were reviewed, and a number of issues of common interest were discussed.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs