Doha Forum Signs Agreement with US Aspiration to Gain Carbon Neutrality

Doha Forum, through the Permanent Committee for Organizing Conferences at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has signed a partnership agreement with US Aspiration Company. The agreement aims at gaining carbon neutrality so that it will become among first carbon neutral conferences in the world.

Commenting on it, HE Ms Lolwah bint Rashid Al Khater, Executive Director of Doha Forum, said: "Our commitment to carbon neutrality is just an example of the steps that all organizations and institutions should take towards combating climate change and a reduction in carbon emissions. This year’s Doha Forum addressed how we must transform for a new era, and climate change and sustainability is just one of the areas to which we must all adapt."

Aspiration Company will enable Doha Forum to gain carbon neutrality via technology-based carbon footprint analytics and its large and diverse portfolio of high-quality carbon credits, including its global reforestation program.

Source: Government of Qatar