Foreign minister participates in 8th Arab ministerial committee meeting on countering Israeli policies in Jerusalem

Cairo, Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, Minister of Foreign Affairs, participated in the eighth meeting of the Arab Ministerial Committee tasked with international efforts to counter Israeli policies and actions in Jerusalem. The meeting was held at the Arab League headquarters in Cairo, ahead of the 162nd session of the Arab League Council at the ministerial level. It was chaired by Ayman Al Safadi, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Jordan, and attended by Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary-General of the Arab League. The committee reviewed a report by the General Secretariat on Israeli violations in Jerusalem, including the arrest of citizens, confiscation of homes, land seizures, settlement construction, and violations of religious sites, which breach international resolutions, including UN Security Council resolutions. At the conclusion of the meeting, the committee issued a statement condemning Israeli violations of religious sites, describing them as a flagrant breach of interna tional law and a serious escalation. The members rejected Israeli policies aimed at subverting the Arab, Islamic, and Christian identity of Jerusalem and its holy sites, stressing that such actions violate the city's historical and legal status. The ministers emphasised the importance of the Jerusalem Committee and the Bayt Mal Al Quds Agency, its executive arm, and affirmed their support for the committee's efforts. The committee agreed to intensify engagement with regional and international organisations to continue documenting Israeli violations in Jerusalem and holy sites, as well as breaches of international law and the UN Charter. They called for a strong international stance against Israel's attempts to alter the historical and legal status of Al Aqsa Mosque and Al Haram Al Sharif. The meeting was attended by Fawzia bint Abdulla Zainal, Bahrain's Ambassador to Egypt and Permanent Representative to the Arab League, Ahmed Mohammed Al Tarifi, Head of the Arab and African Affairs Sector at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the delegation accompanying the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Source: Bahrain News Agency