Greece – Organizing a support campaign for the global student movement against genocide

Greece - Together - Student forces in Athens, with the support of the Palestinian community in Greece, various Palestinian popular organizations and Greek unions, are organizing a campaign to support the global student movement against genocide. The Greek student unions in Athens called for several activities at various Greek universities in Athens, culminating in the establishment of a camp in front of Kapodistria University in central Athens, where tents were set up and Palestinian flags and banners were raised denouncing the occupation, its crimes, and the war of genocide it is waging against our steadfast Palestinian people. Words were delivered and dozens of Greek artists contributed to the success of this camp with their songs about freedom and homeland. The students promised to continue their activities until the university administration stops any cooperation with Israeli universities. The student movement also called on the Greek government to stand explicitly with Palestine and recognize the indep endent Palestinian state with full sovereignty on the June 4 borders, with Jerusalem as its capital, and the return of refugees to their homes. The Palestinian Al-Awda Dabke Troupe participated in the evening activity program of the Greek student movement. A call was also made to hold another student camp in Thessaloniki, the second largest Greek city, at the same time as the student camp was held in Athens. Source: Maan News Agency