GRSIA: Cabinet Decision on Early Retirement Eligibility Gave Exceptional Benefits for Certain Service Ending Cases

Doha: The General Retirement and Social Insurance Authority (GRSIA) has confirmed that the two recent Cabinet decisions regarding the conditions for early retirement eligibility and the formation of a dispute resolution committee, including its operational system and procedures, came in alignment with Qatar National Vision 2030. The vision that aims to establish an effective social protection system for all Qataris, safeguarding their rights, valuing their active participation in society, and ensuring them a sufficient income for a dignified life. Director of the Legal Affairs Department at GRSIA, Ali bin Rashid Al Marri told Qatar News Agency that the Cabinet decision on early retirement eligibility adds exceptional benefits for certain service ending cases. This allows individuals to benefit from the pension under the Social Insurance Law according to the previous rules regarding age and service periods, serving as transitional provisions between the repealed Retirement and Pensions Law and the current So cial Insurance Law. He explained that the decision applies to those whose service ended starting from the effective date of the Social Insurance Law on January 3, 2023. The decision took into account the gradual adjustment of the retiree's age, the subscription period, and the service duration to avoid harming long-time subscribers from the changes in the new law, Al Marri added. Al Marri also noted that the Cabinet decided that those subject to the repealed Retirement and Pensions Law No. (24) of 2002 and whose service ended under the new Social Insurance Law, due to resignation, disciplinary action, or other reasons, could benefit from the pension under specific conditions. According to the decision, in cases of resignation without pension entitlement, individuals born in 1983 and earlier can benefit from early retirement at age 42 instead of the 50 years stipulated in the law, provided they have at least 17 years of insurance subscription instead of 25, and a minimum of 12 years of actual service instea d of 20. For those born in 1984, early retirement eligibility requires a minimum age of 44, at least 19 years of subscription, and 14 years of actual service. The age, subscription period, and service duration will gradually increase by two years until they meet the minimum periods specified in the Social Insurance Law. In cases of service termination due to disciplinary action or other reasons without pension entitlement, the same exceptional rules for resignation apply, except for the age adjustment. For those born in 1983 and earlier, a subscription period of 17 years and a minimum actual service duration of 12 years are required. For those born in 1984, a subscription period of at least 19 years and a minimum actual service of 14 years are needed, with gradual increases to meet the minimum requirements of the Social Insurance Law. Regarding the Cabinet's decision to form the dispute resolution committee and its operational system, Al Marri explained that the new decision introduces different provision s compared to the previous committee formation decision (Cabinet Decision No. 27 of 2007). The new formation includes judicial elements, balanced representation from all work entities and subscribers, and special procedures and timelines to ensure swift resolution without compromising the fundamental guarantees and principles of litigation. The decision also allows for resolving disputes through negotiation and mutual agreement, avoiding lengthy litigation processes. Additionally, the committee's decisions are given executive power, making them enforceable immediately. The decision also streamlined the process by limiting appeals against the committee's decisions to the Court of Appeal, ensuring prompt justice. Ali bin Rashid Al Marri concluded affirming GRSIA's full readiness to implement the Cabinet's decisions and directives. The Authority is prepared to provide the necessary data on retirees and eligible pension recipients according to the decision and to assign the required staff to process their trans actions as quickly as possible. Source: Qatar News Agency