Hebron Governor discusses with Minister of Agriculture the agricultural situation in the governorate

HEBRON-Ma'an-Within the framework of the 19th government's orientations towards communicating with the governorates, meeting with farmers and stakeholders, strengthening partnerships and governance, developing the services provided, and providing support and assistance to farmers, Hebron Governor Khaled Dudin met with Minister of Agriculture Professor Rizq Islaimiya today, Sunday, at the governor's office, in the presence of a delegation from the Ministry of Agriculture that included a number of assistant undersecretaries, general managers, and directors of the agricultural directorates in the governorate. Governor Dudin welcomed Professor Islimiya, appreciating the efforts of the Ministry of Agriculture, which is considered the Ministry of Defense of the land, people and farmers, and praising the initiatives and projects of the Ministry that it implements to enhance the steadfastness of farmers and provide the necessary services to help citizens, including the grain grant project, of which a large share wen t to the Hebron Governorate, amounting to nearly 4,400 tons of fodder barley grains, which contributes to enhancing the steadfastness of citizens in their places of residence in the face of attacks carried out by the occupation and its settlers. In turn, Professor Aslimiya stressed that this visit is a continuation of a series of field visits to the governorates, pointing out that the Ministry of Agriculture gives priority to farms and marginalized areas first, and is in the process of implementing the five-year initiative "Developing the Palestinian Agricultural Sector" which includes food security, water security, greening Palestine, urgent response to emergencies, and relief and recovery of the Gaza Strip. Embodying the role of the Ministry of Agriculture in providing services and enhancing resilience, Minister Aslimieh and Governor Dudin witnessed the signing of four agreements to develop livestock farms through computerized automatic milking machines, which aim to help farmers obtain accurate readings that help them develop breeds, improve productivity and manage the farm. Two agreements were also signed to provide two seed units with their full equipment for the benefit of two cooperative societies, through which they seek to increase the trend towards cultivating field crops, reduce production inputs and provide seeds for the benefit of society members and farmers throughout the governorate. Source: Maan News Agency