Hebron Municipality threatens to hold a sit-in to protest water scarcity

HEBRON - Ma'an - The Hebron Municipality confirmed that the Water Authority has not responded to its repeated appeals and calls to find solutions to the worsening water crisis in the city, explaining that the last communication with the Water Authority was on the day of a meeting of the city's institutions, where the head of the Water Authority, Engineer Mazen Ighneim, promised to visit the municipality and meet with representatives of the city's various institutions and increase the quantities of water allocated to match the growing need. Mayor Tayseer Abu Sneineh stressed the need for the people of Hebron to unite to confront this crisis that is sweeping the city, calling on institutions, the local community and clan leaders to participate widely in the sit-in that the municipality intends to organize in front of the Water Authority headquarters in the Hebron Governorate. Abu Sneineh pointed out that Hebron, as the largest city in terms of population and area, and as it constitutes 33% of the Palestinian national economy, and suffers from unjust divisions by the Israeli occupation and 20% of its area is subject to Israeli security control, has the right to receive water so that the wheel of life can continue to turn. Source: Maan News Agency