Industrial Development Assistant Undersecretary participates in 11th World SMEs Day Summit

Manama, Dr. Khaled Al Alawi, Assistant Undersecretary for Industrial Development, participated in the opening ceremony of the 11th edition of the World SMEs Day Summit, organized by the Bahraini SMEs Society in cooperation with the United International SMEs Organizations (UNISMO).

Dr. Al Alawi pointed out that the Kingdom’s initiative to host this global summit confirms Bahrain’s efforts to support and create a suitable environment for the SME sector, out of belief in the role of this vital sector in supporting sustainable economic development.

This conference is held annually and organized by the Bahraini SMEs Society in cooperation with the United International SMEs Organizations.

The Bahraini SMEs Society has been organizing this conference since 2010, constantly teaming with strategic partners to attract distinguished speakers to enrich the discussion with lively and successful experiences that benefit participants.

Source: Bahrain News Agency