Iraqi President Calls for Resolving IDPs File by End of 2024

Iraqi President Abdullatif Rashid called, on Tuesday, for concerted and intensified efforts to end the internally displaced persons (IDPs) file in his country no later than the end of next year.

During his meeting with the Director of the United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN-Habitat) Iraq Wa'el Al Ashhab, the Iraqi President stated that resolving the situation requires great work as well as setting the end of 2024 as a time limit to achieve this.

He also stressed the need for enhanced cooperation and coordination between government agencies and United Nations (UN) organizations concerned with IDPs, to ensure a safe and stable return to their cities and homes and provide them with basic services.

For his part, Al Ashhab reviewed the progress made by the UN program and outlined future plans to resolve this issue, resulting in the return of all displaced persons to their homes. (QNA)

Source: Qatar News Agency