Jordanian King Affirms Region is Vulnerable to Conflict Expansion as War on Gaza Continues

King Abdullah II of Jordan has affirmed that the region will remain vulnerable to an expansion of the conflict circle that threatens its stability, as long as the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip drags on. During his meeting with US Congress staffers in Amman, on Sunday, King Abdullah II called for the need to exert maximum efforts to de-escalate tensions and achieve a comprehensive ceasefire to avoid a regional war. He warned of the dangers posed by extremist settler attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank and the violations against Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, stressing the importance of continuing support for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) to help it conduct its humanitarian mission for millions of Palestinians in Gaza and the region. King Abdullah reiterated the necessity of finding a political horizon for achieving a just and comprehensive peace based on a two-state solution, which he views as the only way to ensure the securi ty of Palestinians, Israelis, and the entire region. Source: Qatar News Agency