Lebanese Caretaker Prime Minister Calls on International Community to End Israeli Assaults on Lebanon

Lebanese Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati said that the international community must put an end to the continuous Israeli attacks on Lebanon, adding that the killing of civilians, destroying towns, and setting fire to farms constitute an unspeakable destructive and terrorist attack. In a speech delivered on Wednesday, Mikati said that the situation in southern Lebanon is a result of the soaring Israeli assault on Lebanon's sovereignty and its continuous violation of United Nations resolution 1701. He added that Lebanon's choice was and continues to be peace based on justice and international law, especially resolution 1701, adding that assaults on its people, sovereignty, and national dignity are unacceptable. Mikati reminded the international community of its humanitarian and moral responsibility towards Palestine refugees in Lebanon, stressing that no peace agreement can survive without guaranteeing the Palestinians' right of return, as the essence of peace is for the Palestinian people to live on t heir land under a free and independent state. Source: Qatar News Agency