Ministry of Labour Handles 35,645 Different Labour Requests in March 2024

Doha: The Ministry of Labour released its March 2024 monthly report which contained vital statistics and data about the country's labour sector, along with outcomes of inspections at different establishments under the Labour Law. The report indicates that the Labour Permits Department handled roughly 35,645 requests. This included 4,886 for new hires, 25,346 for general work permit renewals (extending personal numbers), 952 for special work permits (relating to family sponsorships, Gulf connections, investors, or usufruct agreements), and 4,461 requests were for changing job titles. In terms of inspection visits to labour recruitment offices, the statistical bulletin showed that the ministry carried out about 302 inspection tours on recruitment offices, 248 of which ended without recording notes, issuing two warnings to remove a violation, banning two companies, and recording one report. During the month of March, the Labour Inspection Department carried out intensive inspection campaigns to monitor the ex tent of establishments' compliance with the laws and ministerial decisions concerned with regulating the labour market in the country, with a total number of inspection visits of 4,082 visits in various regions, which resulted in sending an alert to 625 companies to remove the violation, while the number of reports of controlling violations against companies reached 680 minutes, and the number of inspection tours on work sites and workers' housing reached about 1,845 distributed over 1,428 visits to the work site and 417 visits to workers' accommodation. With regard to labour complaints, the statistical bulletin showed that the Department of Labour Disputes received 2,187 complaints, of which 346 were settled, 82 of which were referred to the committees for the settlement of labour disputes, and the Department of Labour Disputes received 146 reports from the public, all of which were settled. According to the monthly statistical bulletin regarding the labour dispute settlement committees, the number of case s referred to the dispute settlement committees during the past month reached about 281 cases, and the total number of decisions issued by the labour dispute settlement committees reached about 468 decisions. Regarding employment contracts, the statistical bulletin showed that the Department of Labour Relations received about 23,176 applications for ratification of employment contracts, while the number of requests for secondment of labour reached 5,988 applications. Source: Qatar News Agency