Negev: A demonstration at the Arara Junction on Tuesday to protest the demolition of homes

The Higher Guidance Committee for the Arabs of the Negev and the Regional Council of Derecognized Villages in the Negev, after an emergency meeting, called for a demonstration next Tuesday at five o’clock in the evening at the Arara Junction, in protest against the crimes of demolishing homes and incitement against the Arab masses. According to what was stated in their statement.

The Supreme Guidance Committee for the Arabs of the Negev and the Regional Council for Derecognised Villages said, “In light of the racist incitement campaign led by Minister Ben Gvir and against the backdrop of the crimes of demolishing Arab homes, the most recent of which was the demolition of 29 buildings belonging to the Abu Halil and Al-Ghanami families in the Umm Matnan area, and the imminent danger of displacing entire villages.” Wiping it off the map, including the village of Ras Jaraba, several protest decisions were taken.”

The committee and the regional council called for a massive demonstration at the Arara Junction in the Negev on Tuesday at five in the evening, against the backdrop of the crimes of demolishing Arab homes and racist incitement against the people in the Negev.

It was also decided to set up a sit-in tent and show solidarity with the people of the Abu Hilil family, and to open the door of a support and donation fund to help them rebuild their homes, and to deliver a message to the Ben Gvir government: “They are demolishing and we are building, and we will not leave any Arab alone in facing the policy of displacement and deportation.” As stated in the statement.

The statement stressed that "in order to confront the plan to demolish homes, all energies must be united and the efforts of all national forces must be combined."

He stressed the importance of "working to internationalize the issue and presenting it to international and international human rights institutions, as the policy of demolishing Arab homes and displacing Arab villages to establish Jewish ones on their ruins constitutes a violation of international charters, treaties, and declarations regarding human rights, the right to property, the right to housing, and the rights of indigenous peoples."

The Supreme Steering Committee for the Arabs of the Negev and the Regional Council for Deprived Villages concluded their statement, “We must all realize that our future is our responsibility, and that with our unity, our collective work, our steadfastness, and our popular struggle, we will prevail and we will seize our right to live in dignity on the land of the fathers.” - “Arabs 48

Source: Maan News Agency