Olive season is coming and expectations of a bountiful season this year

Damascus, Technical committees of the Agriculture and Agrarian Reform Ministry estimated that olive production in Syria this season would reach more than 740 thousand tons and about 94 thousand tons of olive oil. A source in Agriculture Ministry told SANA's reporter that olive production is initially estimated at 740,280 tons, an increase of about 6 percent over the previous season. There is also expectation to produce about 94,754 tons of olive oil, knowing that the amount of oil was calculated at 16 percent of the weight of the fruits. The highest production this season in safe areas is expected in Hama province with a quantity of 91,985 tons, followed by Homs with a quantity of 82,755 tons, then Lattakia with a quantity of 47,556 tons, Damascus countryside with 40,277 tons, Idlib with 35,534 tons, Aleppo with 33,794 tons, Tartous with 32,034 tons, and Daraa with 28,673 tons. Source: Syrian Arab News Agency