Palestine, Lebanon Qualify in International Universities Debating Championship

Doha: May 28 - The University of Arts and Sciences in Lebanon and An-Najah National University from Palestine have been qualified for the finals in the 7th International Universities Debating Championship in Arabic language, representing the open category, with Turkiye winning the final title in the Arabic language for non-native speakers' category, after Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vak?f University and the teams of Turkish Bogazici University had been qualified for the finals. The winner is due to be announced in the closing ceremony. The finals contests featured a confrontation between Georgetown University in Qatar and An-Najah National University from Palestine, with the University of Arts and Sciences in Lebanon and the National University of Malaysia engaging in hot debates. The two debates tackled the methods of engaging with the isolated indigenous peoples, with each team presenting supportive and contradictory augments and were academically debating to augment their perspectives. Following fierce debating, the Lebanese and Palestinian teams occupied their places in the finals and are due to compete in the title of this championship in public debating that will be held in the presence of audience at Al Mayassa Theatre at QNCC. Ambassador for QatarDebate in the United Kingdom Hawa Al Jaradi said she was so glad for participating in judging the debate and chairing the round of identifying the third and fourth places in this contest, pointing out that the debate was challenging and thrilling at the same time, with students exhibiting incredible levels of debating and scientific conversation. The championship witnessed a remarkable evolution in each edition different from the previous editions at the participation level, she underlined, thanks to the intensive efforts of the training teams under the supervision of QatarDebate Center and its partners from all over the world, in addition to the accumulated expertise of each edition. Al Jaradi noted the incredible enthusiasm displayed by the teams to hold friendly d ebates, along with the good preparation. She lauded the prestigious levels of debaters in Arabic language for non-native speakers' category who became more capable of debating in Arabic language through utilizing complex terms and behaviors in all issues that were debated in a variety of economic, political, and cultural areas. The third day of debating featured field trips for the teams and outstanding debaters to explore the tourist landmarks of the State of Qatar, prior to the conclusion of the championship. The closing ceremony will honor the stellar teams and debaters, including the best three teams from the first category, along with the best two teams from the second category. Also, the best ten debaters from the first category and best five debaters from the second category will be honored. Source: Qatar News Agency