Palestine Sends Letters to UN Officials Demanding Israel Be Held Accountable for Crimes

Palestine sent on Sunday three identical letters to Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres, President of the United Nations General Assembly Dennis Francis, and President of the Security Council for this month Sierra Leone, regarding the massacre carried out by the Israeli occupation against the defenseless Palestinian people in the Al-Tabieen School which housed displaced persons in Al-Daraj neighborhood, claiming the lives of more than 100 martyrs as well as hundreds of injuries. In a statement, Permanent Representative of the State of Palestine Riyad Mansour to the United Nation said the world cannot remain indifferent to such brutality and inhumanity, and the Security Council cannot remain paralyzed waiting for Israel to suddenly decide to respect international law while it continues to declare its disrespect for the UN Charter, its resolutions, or any principle of international law. Mansour stressed the necessity of holding the Israeli entity accountable for this heinous crime and for all other war crimes it has committed for more than 300 days, as well as the crimes against humanity committed against the Palestinian people over years of illegal and inhumane occupation. Mansour pointed out that Israeli politicians and military leaders prove every day, in words and deeds, that they prefer to continue killing and destroying any semblance of life in Gaza, and that they do so with the political and material support of those who continue to justify and defend such brutal and illegal behavior, despite the fact that there is absolutely no justification for slaughtering people. The Permanent Representative of the State of Palestine to the United Nations stressed the need for the Security Council, the General Assembly and all peace-loving countries to take immediate action to stop this cycle of terrorism, death and destruction that the Israeli entity is imposing on the Palestinian people and is trying to impose on the entire region, which poses a serious threat to international peace and security . Mansour stressed the need for the Council to move immediately to demand and impose a ceasefire to save human lives, stop the massacres, starvation, displacement and destruction of an entire people, and save what remains of the credibility of the United Nations and the entire international system. He urged the international community to put an end to the violence, cruelty, and inhumanity, pointing out that the Palestinian people are suffering immensely due to the international community's failure to compel Israel to adhere to international laws, including humanitarian and human rights laws. He called for an immediate halt to what he described as Israeli genocide against the Palestinian people and condemned the occupation as unlawful, unethical, and criminal. Source: Qatar News Agency