Palestinian Presidency Welcomes Armenia’s Recognition of State of Palestine

The Palestinian Presidency has welcomed the Republic of Armenia's decision to officially recognize the State of Palestine as an independent and sovereign nation, describing the decision as courageous and significant towards strengthening bilateral relations and fostering peace and stability in the region. In a statement, the Palestinian Presidency underscored Armenia's keenness to support the Palestinian people and their firm and legitimate rights to their homeland and self-determination, pointing out that the move comes as a good contribution from those countries that believe in the two-state solution as a strategic option that upholds international will and legitimacy. The decision positively contributes to safeguarding the two-state solution, which faces systematic challenges, and promotes security, peace, and stability for all parties involved, the statement read. The Palestinian Presidency urged other nations, particularly European countries that have yet to recognize the State of Palestine, to follo w suit, in accordance with international legitimacy resolutions, based on the 1967 borders, which include Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem. Source: Qatar News Agency