Palestinian President Praises PLO’s Historic Role

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) preserved the independent Palestinian national decision and protected the national project from being lost, adding: "The establishment of the PLO and its representation of our people are one of the most important achievements of Palestinian politics." On the occasion of the 59th anniversary of the founding of the PLO, Abbas said that the organization was founded in 1964 to thwart the plans of the Israeli Occupation to obliterate the identity of the Palestinian people.

President Abbas paid tribute to the first founders of the Organization and all those whose hard efforts helped preserve this key national achievement, stressing the role of the Palestinian National Liberation Movement (Fatah) and all other PLO factions in preserving it.

The Palestinian President stated: "The PLO, throughout its long journey, has gone through very difficult stages, but it remained steadfast in the face of all the conspirators," stressing that the PLO will remain true to the aspirations of the Palestinian people to establish an independent Palestinian State, with Jerusalem as its capital.

Source: Qatar News Agency