Prayers for settlers and marches in Jerusalem

Jerusalem - Ma'an - Thousands of settlers performed prayers at the Western Wall after midnight, on the eve of the so-called "destruction of the Temple." The prayer at the Buraq Wall was preceded by a march of settlers that set off from West Jerusalem, passing through the Bab al-Khalil area, Bab al-Amoud, Bab al-Sahira, Bab al-Asbat, Bab al-Maghariba, and arriving at the Buraq Wall, where group prayers were held. The settlers raised Israeli flags, and many of them wore T-shirts bearing the slogan "The Alleged Temple" and calling for the demolition of the Dome of the Rock. The forces closed many main streets and roads in the city of Jerusalem, during the settlers' march in the city's streets and their prayers at the Western Wall, which caused traffic jams in the streets. The settlers conducted individual tours (groups of 3-7 settlers) at the gates of Al-Aqsa from the outside and in the alleys of the Old City. Settlers also attacked Jerusalemites and deliberately vandalized property while walking and moving through the streets of Jerusalem and the Old City. Source: Maan News Agency