President al-Assad to staff who put out fires in Lattakia: you are giving an example of bravery

President Bashar al-Assad on Thursday inspected areas in the forests of Lattakia northern countryside that came under fires during the latest days, affirming that the staff who took part in the operations of putting out fires have given an example of bravery, saying that the battle is not only war or weapon, but there are matters that could be more dangerous and more difficult.

“You have exerted great efforts amid very difficult circumstances that would be similar to battles… and if we want to describe your efforts, regardless of any details, with simplicity, I don’t exaggerate, this is a heroic act,” President al-Assad told members of the civil defense, firemen and army.

President al-Assad added: “everyone is heroic who contributed, whether in the army or civil defense or from the civil society that contributed, and any one of you could have been surrounded, and some of you were surrounded, and we heard details of actions that are really heroic, and they therefore give a message in light of the difficult circumstances that Syria is going through, and what we see of frustrations people who may by nature like to cry for one reason or another, even if it is a positive reason, but at the time of battle, people do not cry, but rather fight, and you embodied this image and gave the image of valor.”.

“We have two months full of challenges, these two months we must try later to strengthen the measures that we talked about in part, and you must present something systematic in them for us to rely on as a state or as an executive authority, because at any moment fires of this kind can break out. this is a very expensive national wealth… It hits the trees, mountains and people’s livelihood because it hits tourism”. President al-Assad said.

President al-Assad added: There is no doubt that the private losses this time are less than the last time, and the general losses are also less than the last time several years ago, and this is due to the experience, the rush, and the speed with which you took the initiative, and yet we want to think about how to protect the burned areas, now we think naturally.. How we protect the areas that were not burned in order to preserve what remains”.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency