Prisoners: The injured detainee, Kazem Zawahra, has a complex and difficult health condition

Ramallah - Ma'an - The Prisoners' and Ex-Prisoners' Affairs Authority and the Prisoners' Club said that the injured detainee, Kazem Zawahra (31 years old), from Bethlehem, is in a complex and difficult health condition, and is connected to artificial respirators, in intensive care, at Hadassah Ein Karem Hospital. They added, in a statement issued today, Wednesday, that a court hearing in absentia will be held tomorrow, Thursday, for the detainee, Zawahra, due to his health condition. It is noteworthy that the detainee Zawahra was arrested after being shot on 11/22/2024, along with the martyrs Muhammad Zawahra and Ahmed Al-Wahsh. Source: Maan News Agency