Qatar Ranks High on ESCWA Government Electronic & Mobile Services Maturity Index 2021

The State of Qatar has occupied advanced ranks on the Government Electronic and Mobile Services (GEMS) Maturity Index 2021, which was issued by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA). Qatar topped the overall ranking with a value of 82.58%, ahead of Saudi Arabia, which ranked 81.97%, and the United Arab Emirates, which ranked 74%, according to the results of the index.

GEMS Maturity index is based on three main pillars or core dimensions in the classification and evaluation process. The first pillar measures service availability and sophistication, the second measures service use and user satisfaction, while the third measures the government's efforts to public outreach.

Commenting on Qatar attainment of these advanced ranks, Acting Assistant Undersecretary of Government Information Technology at the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Ms. Mashael Ali Al Hammadi, said: "The tasks of the e-Government Steering Committee at the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology contributed in drawing guiding plans for digital transformation and enhanced ways of compatibility and cooperation with government agencies in the country, based on its mission to achieve the objectives of Qatar’s digital government strategy and Qatar National Vision 2030".

Source: Government of Qatar