Qatar Welcomes Efforts to Ensure Accountability for Those Responsible for Violations Against Syrian People

The State of Qatar has welcomed all measures and efforts intended for ending impunity and ensuring accountability for all those in charge of violations against the Syrian people. This came in the State of Qatar's statement delivered by Second Secretary of the Permanent Mission of the State of Qatar in Geneva, Abdulaziz Al Mansoori at the Interactive Dialogue with Commission of inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic, as part of the 57th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva. Al Mansoori voiced the State of Qatar's concerns about the ongoing violations and violence and the deteriorating humanitarian and living conditions of the Syrian people, condemning the Syrian regime's relentless crimes, grave human rights violations and the use of repression and persecution to remain in power. Welcoming the start of the work of the Independent Institution on Missing Persons in Syria, he voiced hopes that all concerned parties would cooperate to enable it to fulfill its mandate in a way that contributes to alleviat ing the suffering of many victims, supporting them, promoting the right to know the fate of missing persons, and backing reconciliation, justice and lasting peace for all Syrians. Al Mansoori called on the international community and all influential parties to continue supporting the efforts of the UN Special Envoy for Syria, and to exercise further pressure on the Syrian regime to resume and seriously and effectively engage in the Syrian Constitutional Committee meetings to reach a political solution in accordance with the Geneva Statement and Security Council Resolution 2254, in a way that achieves the Syrian people's legitimate aspirations. Source: Qatar News Agency