Retrieving two martyrs and efforts to rescue missing persons under the rubble of a building in Sheikh Radwan

Gaza - Ma'an - The Civil Defense in Gaza announced on Monday that rescue teams are continuing their attempts to reach those missing under the rubble of a residential building that collapsed on them in the Sheikh Radwan area, and appeals to owners of cattle and heavy equipment to come to help. The residential building is located in the vicinity of Sheikh Radwan Lake, northwest of Gaza City, and consists of 6 floors. The building had been severely damaged and cracked by Israeli shelling that targeted it and a number of neighboring houses during the past months. Four families took refuge in this building to find temporary shelter after being displaced from various areas due to Israeli incursions, and it hosted between 20 and 25 people from the Abu Al-Omrain, Abu Al-Auf, Al-Nafar, and Al-Shawa families. Rescue crews rushed to the scene of the incident when the building collapse was reported and began working with the available tools and equipment. They were able to rescue 7 people and retrieve 2 martyrs, whi le about 13-16 people are still missing under the rubble. Rescue crews are continuing their search operations and were able to contact a living person trapped under the rubble, and are trying hard to reach him with the available capabilities. Civil Defense confirmed that the incident is major and requires heavy rescue equipment such as bulldozers and rams due to the collapse of all six floors. The Civil Defense called on the owners of cattle and heavy equipment to quickly head to the site of the building to help rescue what can be rescued from under the rubble. Source: Maan News Agency