Syrian, Venezuelan talks on developing relations in various oil fields

Damascus, Petroleum and Mineral Resources Minister, Firas Hassan Qaddour, met Wednesday the Ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Damascus, Jose Gregorio Biomorgi Muzattiz, and discussed ways to enhance cooperation between the two countries in various oil fields. Qaddour underlined the need to expand cooperation in the oil, gas and mineral resources sectors and activate the signed agreements in a way that reflects positively on the economy of the two countries, noting the strength of relations between them. The minister invited Venezuelan companies to participate in specialized exhibitions in the field of oil and gas, exchange experiences and see the investment opportunities available in Syria. Ambassador Muzattiz reaffirmed his country's interest in deepening bilateral relations, looking forward to achieving high levels of cooperation that meet the aspirations and aspirations of the two friendly countries and peoples. It was agreed to hold a meeting via video communication during the comi ng period between the Petroleum ministers of Syria and Venezuela to discuss prospects for cooperation and develop an action plan for the next stage of joint cooperation between the two sides. Source: Syrian Arab News Agency