The Cabinet discusses increasing production, attracting investments, and improving service sector

Damascus, In support of agricultural production, the Cabinet agreed to grant the General Poultry Corporation an advance worth SYP 40 billion, with the aim of developing the organization's productivity, securing the needs and supplies of the poultry sector, and providing fodder stock to mitigate the effects of price fluctuations, and prevent interruptions in the material. During its weekly session on Tuesday, the Cabinet headed by Prime Minister Hussein Arnous, discussed the establishment of microfinance banks that aim to secure the necessary financing for projects by small producers, small business owners, and low-income people, by granting them operating loans at the lowest banking cost to provide additional income for this segment, and create new job opportunities to support sustainable development efforts. The session highlighted taking all necessary measures to develop economic cooperation, trade exchange and investment projects with international partners and putting the agreements and MoUs signed bet ween Syria and a number of brotherly and friendly countries into force, in a way that achieves the national interest. Increasing production, attracting investments, achieving balance in the market, increasing exports, enhancing the work of the tourism sector, and achieving a qualitative leap in the transition to modern irrigation are among the priorities of government work for the current year, Arnous noted. He also approved the local contracting system in Syrian diplomatic and consular missions. Source:Syrian Arab News Agency