The occupation army takes measurements of the house of the perpetrator of the ramming attack

Ramallah - Ma'an - The occupation army on Wednesday took measurements of the house of the perpetrator of the ramming attack at the Beit El junction near Ramallah, in preparation for its demolition. An Israeli soldier was seriously injured, while a Palestinian truck driver was shot, allegedly for carrying out the ramming attack. According to Israeli media, the perpetrator of the ramming attack is Hael Issa Abdul Jabbar Daif Allah (58 years old), a resident of Rafat. The newspaper "Israel Hayom" reported that it was suspected that the truck used in the ramming operation was booby-trapped, noting that it was a gas transport truck, and explosives experts were called to the site. Hebrew websites reported that the perpetrator of the operation had no security record and was transferred from the scene of the incident to a hospital in Jerusalem, where his condition is stable. Israeli media reported that two soldiers were injured, one of them critically, in the run-over attack near Ramallah. Israeli Channel 14 rep orted that the soldier injured in the run-over attack is in critical condition and efforts are being made to revive him. Source: Maan News Agency