The occupation demolishes a house and arrests 6 citizens from Hebron

HEBRON - Ma'an - The occupation authorities demolished this morning a house inhabited by residents in the Bir Arkeh area west of Hebron. They also arrested four citizens from the town of Sa'ir and two citizens from the Al-Arroub refugee camp north of Hebron. Local sources reported that the occupation bulldozers, accompanied by an occupation army force, demolished the house of citizen Anis al-Natsheh in the Bir Arkah area, under the pretext of building without a permit. In a related context, the Israeli occupation forces arrested four citizens from the town of Sa'ir after storming and searching their homes. Local sources reported that the following were arrested: Riyad Jaradat, Mamoun Al-Faroukh, Qusay Al-Faroukh and Musab Jabarin, all of whom are former prisoners. An occupation army force also stormed the home of citizen Naim al-Jabri in al-Arroub camp, and arrested him and his son Muhammad. Local sources reported that the arrest of al-Jabri and his son was intended to pressure his other son, Diyar, to su rrender himself to the occupation army. Source: Maan News Agency