The State of Qatar provides humanitarian aid to the Republic of Moldova

The State of Qatar has provided humanitarian aid to the Republic of Moldova to support the Charitable Fund for the Care of Orphans, the Elderly, and People with Special Needs, belonging to the Moldovan Orthodox Church.

Mr. Hamad bin Rashid Al-Athba, Chargé d’Affairs at the Embassy of the State of Qatar to the Republic of Moldova, delivered the aid in the presence of HE Archbishop Vladimir, Metropolitan of Chisinau and the whole of Moldova, and Mr. Vadim Kipache, Archbishop of the Church.

HE Archbishop Vladimir expressed his thanks to the State of Qatar for the generous humanitarian gesture, and he pointed out that the aid represents assistance to the charitable societies supervised by the Church.

The Qatari Chargé d’Affairs stressed the State of Qatar aims, through the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations initiative (UNAOC), to foster closer cooperation between races, religions, and cultures, in the spirit of peace and coexistence.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs